Left 4 dead 2 connection failed after 10 retries
Left 4 dead 2 connection failed after 10 retries

Important! XX - instead of XX-es write any numbers between 05 and 32 (exclude 20) Step 3: in opened window write command - +clientport 270XX Step 2: in opened window select - SET LAUNCH OPTIONS Step 1: open steam, library, right click on left4dead2, select properties How this is possible? Easy: provider reset every couple days your IP to prevent problems, and after ( regular in some countries is 3 days) some time u will get new IP.ģ) Player may change gaming port manually. Reason is - sending info to provider - you are off, later when connect after 3 minutes, provider treat you as new connectionĢ) wait couple days to problem solve by itself.


Update for reset router: to be sure to obtain fresh IP, try turn off router longer than 3 min.

left 4 dead 2 connection failed after 10 retries left 4 dead 2 connection failed after 10 retries

After turning on, similar info is sent to provider, and automatic default is to start protocol - connecting user, and obtain new fresh IP. Resetting router send information to provider -im off. If player are confused - i dont have dynamic IP, because is same half year, reason is: or you pay for static IP to your provider, or you have good provider who give it for free, or you got same right on same IP after rebooting router. That address have refreshed ports, ready to do their tasks.

left 4 dead 2 connection failed after 10 retries

After router restart, automatically obtain new dynamic IP address from providers pool of IPs.

Left 4 dead 2 connection failed after 10 retries